Stockradar’s Premium Portfolio Service
Low cost, Safe, Simple to Understand and Easy to Manage ASX portfolios
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Low cost, Safe, Simple to Understand and Easy to Manage ASX portfolios
Normal human behaviour easily attains the emotion that anything is possible and that the sky is the limit, and this is very much propelled by the crowd behaviour phenomenon.
The probability attribute tells us that if the average is rising and the price is above it this is a bullish sign.
The price / volume relationship is fundamental to chart analysis and is part of the jigsaw that creates a powerful trading tool.
Trends occur all the time and being able to identify and ‘ride’ them profitably is a very attractive challenge for us all.
How cognitive biases can shape our reality
I understand the mental battles we all have, having gone through them myself, but successful investors and traders all eventually understand two things very clearly.
Here are five things we should always know to trade and invest successfully.
Charts collate, reflect, simplify, cut through the distractive and unnecessary crap and also tell us what to do and when.
We all need a reality check and to get back to basics, The Stockradar stock selection process is based on three easy to understand common sense analysis setups.