You receive all the Stockradar model buys and sells. You decide which of those stocks to include or exclude from your portfolio and how much capital to allocate to each stock. Effectively the trading guidance you get from this service is the identification of trend triggers within the limited 160 stock ‘universe’ I have selected – nothing more, nothing less – and what you do with those triggers is totally up to you.
This section contains the entire Stockradar portfolio of stocks, which is updated every Monday morning with charts for approximately 160 stocks. It includes Trend Intensity Ratings, entry, exit prices and stop levels. Note: Stockradar uses a weekly model. We only act on weekly signals – on the closing price on Friday, and we execute all trades at the open on Monday morning.
Io input your own personal watch-list so you can monitor your positions and stops. It also includes a ‘back-tester’ that has 18 years of history, showing all published trades, including profits and losses.
The Radar Newsletter is a fortnightly publication that offers insightful commentary on the general market, individual stocks, and developing trends.
Each day we send an email called stocks on alert, that alerts you to important levels that have been violated during the week, designed to give you an early heads up when price is close to important levels. These are not calls to action because we only trade end-of-week signals.
Gives you full access to the Basic Stockradar service but here we filter Stockradar’s Stock Picks for you using systematic measures such as market capitalisation and sector weightings. This then ranks each Stock Pick for input into whichever portfolio you choose, either a 5 or 10 stock Energiser portfolio. See below. We do the stock selection and hard work for you. Low cost, time efficient and easy to manage.
For those with the desire consider this another step in the education process as we demonstrate by example the step by step process and the elements required to successfully manage and run a portfolio of stocks. A portfolio process should be considered journey that takes you through the natural ups and downs of market forces and how the process equalises these forces and generates the performance we want. We are always at the mercy of the market and sometimes the early periods can be affected by market performance as you can see our home page charts the expectation should be that there will be fluctuations both up and down but our focus is on a market that rises for most of the time.
The 5-stock Energiser portfolio:
Equal capital commitment across 5 stocks ($100k/5=20k allocation to each stock) selected from a universe of 100 stocks. This is a high conviction model designed to leverage the Stockradar Stock Picks to generate an optimum compound annual growth rate. Each stock takes on a 3% portfolio risk on each trade. Once your portfolio is full with 5 stocks you must wait for one of the five stocks to exit before adding another one.
The 10-stock Energiser portfolio:
The strategy is the same as the 5-stock but is a more diversified 10-stock offering that has lower volatility, lower compound annual growth rate than the 5-stock high conviction model and a slightly lower portfolio risk of 2% on each trade based on or risk management strategy.
The Conservative portfolio:
A universe of 20 stocks has been defined and consists of top stocks across each sector for both safety and diversity. Of the 20 stock universe up to 10 can be included in a portfolio of stocks with capital divided equally between the 10 stocks. As the portfolio grows so to does the capital allocations to each buy. You buy a stock (1/10th of capital) when a signal is generated from the Stockradar model; otherwise, that portion remains in cash. This gives your ‘binary’ portfolio of either an equity or cash component for each of the 10 allocations.
Depending on whether one of the 20 stocks is trending or not will depend on whether the allocation is in cash or equity. I liken this to the ‘slow and steady wins the race’ analogy. A consistent performer with a predictable outcome. Where will my portfolio be in 10 years? Safe and Secure.
Week to week Stockradar generates buy and sell signals, some will be applicable to your specific portfolio choice. You can think of this premium service as your own superannuation fund which has a choice of 3 risk/return profiles (Conservative, Energiser 5-stock and Energiser 10-stock)– just like many super funds – but in this case you execute your own trades based on Stockradar’s generated model signals. This creates a low cost, time effective and easy to manage environment in which you have full control. Indeed, you can think of this model as a superannuation fund because that is exactly what makes up the majority of Stockradar’s clients – self-managed superannuation funds.
Your role is to execute the trades keeping the stocks and capital in your name but leaving the important decisions on what to trade to the Stockradar model (See our results here).
Real -time updated portfolios are a part of the service with a ‘dashboard’ of results. See example snapshots below.
Trade sheet
Dividends also included but not shown on this sheet
For more detailed information on the Premium Portfolio Service and its performance please click here.